Home Staging Tips to Sell Your House

Published on May 15, 2024 | 5 Minute read



Ortiz Reyes

Content Specialist

Selling a home involves more than listing it on the market; presentation plays a crucial role in attracting potential buyers and maximizing its appeal. Home staging is a strategic process of showcasing a property in its best light to make a positive first impression and facilitate quicker sales at favorable prices.


1. Understand the Importance of Home Staging

a. First Impressions Matter: Potential buyers form quick impressions within seconds of entering a property. Staging ensures that the first view is positive and memorable.

b. Highlighting Potential: Staging showcases the property's potential, helping buyers envision themselves living in the space and seeing its possibilities.

c. Competitive Edge: Well-staged homes stand out in a competitive market, attracting more interest, offers, and potentially higher sale prices.


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2. Start with Decluttering and Depersonalizing

a. Decluttering: Remove excess furniture, personal items, and clutter to create a clean, spacious, and organized environment. Clear countertops, closets, and storage areas for a streamlined look. Here are some mistakes to avoid when decluttering. 

b. Depersonalizing: Minimize personal photos, memorabilia, and unique decor that may distract buyers. The goal is to create a neutral canvas that allows buyers to visualize their own style and preferences.


3. Focus on Curb Appeal

a. Exterior Maintenance: Ensure the exterior of the property is well-maintained, including manicured lawns, trimmed bushes, clean walkways, and a welcoming entrance.

b. Enhance Entryway: Make a memorable first impression by adding fresh paint to the front door, placing potted plants or flowers, updating house numbers, and ensuring proper lighting.


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4. Optimize Lighting and Ambiance

a. Natural Light: Maximize natural light by opening blinds, curtains, and windows. Clean windows thoroughly to allow optimal light penetration.

b. Artificial Lighting: Add lamps, fixtures, and accent lighting strategically to create a warm and inviting atmosphere, especially in darker or less naturally lit areas.


5. Neutralize Color Palette and Decor

a. Neutral Colors: Use neutral paint colors for walls, such as soft whites, grays, or beige tones. Neutral colors create a versatile backdrop and appeal to a wide range of buyers.

b. Minimal Decor: Avoid overly personalized decor or bold design choices. Opt for tasteful, minimalistic decor and furnishings that complement the space without overwhelming it.


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6. Arrange Furniture for Space and Flow

a. Space Optimization: Arrange furniture to highlight the room's size and functionality. Create natural pathways and ample space for easy movement and showcasing key features.

b. Grouping and Balance: Arrange furniture in cohesive groupings that define living areas (living room, dining room, etc) while maintaining a balanced and uncluttered look.


7. Create Inviting Bedrooms and Bathrooms

a. Bedroom Retreat: Make bedrooms inviting with fresh linens, fluffy pillows, and tasteful decor. Remove excess furniture to create a spacious and relaxing atmosphere.

b. Spa-like Bathrooms: Stage bathrooms with clean towels, decorative accents, and subtle scents. Ensure all fixtures, faucets, and surfaces are sparkling clean.

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8. Showcase Functional Spaces

a. Home Office or Study: Highlight the potential of dedicated workspaces with organized desks, comfortable seating, and tech accessories.

b. Outdoor Areas: Stage outdoor spaces such as patios, decks, and gardens with inviting furniture, outdoor rugs, potted plants, and cozy accents to showcase outdoor living possibilities.


9. Pay Attention to Details

a. Cleanliness: Deep clean the entire property, including floors, carpets, windows, fixtures, appliances, and storage areas. A clean space conveys care and maintenance to buyers. Here are smart ways to clean your home. 

b. Minor Repairs: Fix minor issues such as leaky faucets, squeaky doors, chipped paint, loose handles, or outdated fixtures. Attention to detail enhances the overall impression of the property.


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10. Professional Photography and Virtual Tours

a. High-Quality Photos: Hire a professional photographer to capture high-resolution images that highlight the property's best features, angles, and lighting.

b. Virtual Tours: Consider offering virtual tours or 3D walkthroughs for online listings, allowing buyers to explore the property remotely and get a comprehensive view of the staged spaces.


11. Seek Feedback and Make Adjustments

a. Agent Feedback: Work closely with your real estate agent to gather feedback from potential buyers and agents who visit the property. Use feedback to make necessary adjustments to staging, pricing, or marketing strategies.

b. Regular Updates: Update staging as needed based on market trends, seasons, buyer feedback, and changes in property condition or features.


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12. Timing and Market Considerations

a. Seasonal Staging: Consider seasonal decor or themes that enhance the property's appeal during specific times of the year (like cozy winter ambiance, vibrant spring decor).

b. Market Trends: Stay informed about local market trends, buyer preferences, and competition to tailor staging strategies accordingly and stay ahead in the market.


13. Transparency and Honesty

a. Disclose Information: Be transparent about the property's condition, history, upgrades, and any relevant disclosures. Honest communication builds trust with potential buyers and avoids surprises later in the process.


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14. Final Preparations for Showings

a. Open House Prep: Prepare the property for open houses or showings by tidying up, adding fresh flowers or scents, adjusting lighting, and creating a welcoming atmosphere.

b. Guided Tours: Offer guided tours highlighting key features, upgrades, and benefits of the property to potential buyers. Address questions and concerns professionally and informative.

Effective home staging is a strategic investment that can significantly impact the sales potential and speed of selling a property. Collaboration with real estate professionals, incorporating feedback, and adapting staging strategies to market dynamics ensures a successful and rewarding selling experience, achieving optimal results in the real estate transaction.

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