Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to common questions about what we do for you and why you should partner with us.

What will this cost me?

Nothing. We help buyers and sellers find great agents, we help agents find ready buyers and sellers. Everyone wins!

What happens when I submit this form or call you?

A trained PrimeStreet representative will contact you to introduce you with an agent to help you take your next step. 

How do you get paid?

PrimeStreet is paid if you are successful in finding a home. This keeps us 100% focused on your satisfaction.

What is special about PrimeStreet?

Our system ranks agents on their ability to help you buy or sell a home. You find an expert who knows the market and is ready to talk to you right away.

Am I obligated to use your service and your agent if I submit?

No. We do all we can to find you the best agent in your area and wish you success, but you are never required to buy a house or use our agent. You are not contracting with us.

What if I decide I’m not ready yet?

We’ll stay in touch and help you when you are ready.

I do want to buy, but I also need to sell. Can you help me?

Absolutely. Our agents are experts in both buying and selling real estate.